The Hottest New Client-Getting Strategy For Overwhelmed Coaches and Consultants In 2023

If you would like to discover how we can help you get 3 to 6 months worth of new clients in 12 days without webinars, traditional sales funnels, writing books or posting on social media, then let’s talk.

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We believe getting clients should not take more than 10% of your time. So we have developed a client-getting strategy that generates 3 to 6 months worth of new clients within a 12 day period.


We believe to earn more income you must attract higher paying clients. So we have developed strategies that make clients more comfortable paying higher fees for our solutions and services.


We believe success is measured in days-off-work each month. So we have developed a system for serving clients that maximizes the amount of free time we have for ourselves each week.

What Our Clients Are Saying:

“I used the Coach Life Mastery strategy to generate nearly a million dollars worth of new clients for my group coaching program.”

— Stephen Somers,

“I got 25 new clients in 12 days at $5,000 each (for a total of $125,000) using the Coach Life Mastery method.”

— Joe McCall,

“The Coach Life Mastery method got me $52,981 in new clients from an $1,100 ad spend. That’s a 48X return on investment.”

— Patty Dominguez,

“I used the Coach Life Mastery method to get 17 new high ticket clients in a 12 day period.”

— Rhuan Rudy, Business Turnaround Consultant

“Your Coach Life Mastery method grew my business to over $200,000 in yearly revenue.”

— Cindy Molchany,

Schedule A Call To Master Your Business And Your Life

Then, let’s get you the clients, income, and free time you deserve.

Schedule Your Call Now

Pre-Appointment Intake Form

Please take 30 seconds to answer the below questions. Then make sure you schedule a time on the next page to talk on the phone.

Your firstname

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How fast do you want to grow your business on a scale of 1-10?

Are you willing to invest money to grow your business?

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